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Product Total
Top Country Perfumed Talc 200g  × 1 6,100 Ks
Jayjun Facial Toner Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Cream 200ml  × 1 36,800 Ks
Cetaphil Facial Moisturizer Face & Body Lotion 500ml  × 1 69,500 Ks
Juron Anti-Bacterial Hand Wash 500ml  × 1 7,000 Ks
Dr+A AntiBacterial Hand Wash Thanakha 530ml  × 1 3,650 Ks
Ascot Asprin 81mg Tab 10's  × 1 800 Ks
UM Shoulder Support C11 Left  × 1 57,000 Ks
Shokubutsu Facial Cleanser Men Recharge 130g  × 1 6,500 Ks
Hanma Surgical Mask (Child) 10's  × 1 800 Ks
Bella Facial Cleanser Cicacare 90g  × 1 10,900 Ks
Denver Hamilton Deodorant Body Spray 165ml  × 1 9,000 Ks
Disolvan 8mg Tab 10's  × 1 450 Ks
Happy Mammy Baby Diaper Dancing Pants XXL 8's  × 1 4,850 Ks
AMOXYCILLIN Dry Syrup 60ml  × 1 3,850 Ks
Atocor 10mg Tab 10's  × 1 8,000 Ks
Penguin Facial Tissue 3 Ply #02 Refill 270's  × 1 950 Ks
Innisfree Facial Cleanser Bija Trouble Foam 150ml  × 1 25,000 Ks
De Leaf Facial Moisturizer Extra Moisturizing & Whitening Cream #Thanakha 8g  × 1 3,600 Ks
Becoron-C B Complex with Vitamin C Caplets 10's  × 1 2,650 Ks
Shine N Smile Tooth Polish 80g  × 1 5,000 Ks
Subtotal 262,400 Ks
Delivery Fee ( Bus Gate) 1,000 Ks
Total 263,400 Ks
  • Pay with cash upon delivery.

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